23rd GTA Conference

Get your Access
to the 23rd GTA Conference

Conference Registration and Payment

Conference FEES

Non-GTA members

€ 200

€ 160

Early bird
by July 31, 2024

GTA members

€ 160

€ 120

Early bird
by July 31, 2024


€ 40

Reduced rates may be available upon request.

The conference can be certified as psychological/psychotherapeutic training.

Conference registration and payment

Please send your registration by e-mail to the conference committee (info@gtaconference2024.com) and transfer the conference fee to the following bank account:

GTA – Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications, IBAN: DE83 5206 9029 0000 8264 13, BIC: GENODEF1GMD, Purpose of payment: Conference 2024 Milan, name of the participant.