Wednesday September 25
14:30 | Conference registration opens |
15:00 | Welcome Addresses |
15:15 | Gestalt Theory presentation Tiziano Agostini, S. Bonacchi, M. Mela, & F. Sors |
15:30 | Keynote lecture by Walter Gerbino Approximation in perceptual completion |
16:20 | 2024 Metzger Award ceremony |
17:00 | 2024 Bozzi Award ceremony |
17:30 | Welcome cocktail |
19:00 | Organ Concert |
Thursday morning, September 26
09:00 | Introduction to the section |
09:10 | Federico Fantelli Figures, grouping principles, passive syntheses |
09:30 | Christian Vagnoni The passive genesis of phenomenal reality. A cross-disciplinary approach to the study of perception between Husserl’s phenomenology and Gestalt theory |
09:50 | Elisabetta Onori The Ego, the world, and others |
10:10 | Riccardo Manzotti Beyond phenomenology: The mind-object identity (MOI) |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Maria Sinatra The play of Prägnanz dynamics in memory traces: Friedrich Wulf’s interpretation |
11:20 | Lucia Monacis About the neglected Liebmann effect |
12:00 | Keynote lecture by Vincenzo Fano Köhler’s physische Gestalten 100 years after |
Symposium: What is needed for a proper “science of art”? (Chair: Daniele Zavagno)
09:00 | Thiago Costa, & D. Zavagno Artists as scientists: A critique of a popular metaphor |
09:30 | Alessandro Soranzo Mona Lisa’s Smile: A phenomenological interpretation based on perceptual organization principles |
10:00 | Ian Verstegen Why is so much neuroaesthetics bad? The need for a reificatory function |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Stefano Mastandrea Empirical aesthetics and its contribution to understand the aesthetic experience |
11:30 | Concluding remarks by Daniele Zavagno |
Workshop: Gestalt theory as the basis of a psychotherapy theory (Chair: Thomas Fuchs)
09:00 | Doris Beneder The development of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy and its position within the psychotherapy landscape | |
09:30 | Katharina Sternek Reality of human beings. Critical realism as the epistemological foundation of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy | |
10:00 | Thomas Fuchs Gestalt theory and sexuality | |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | Bernadette Lindorfer What drives people? Personality theory in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy | |
11:30 | Angelika Boehm The concept of the Dialogic triad and other practical topics in Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy Discussants: Marianne Soff, Rosamaria Valdevit |
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Thursday afternoon, September 26
Phenomenologies (Chair: Silvia Bonacchi)
14:30 | Introduction to the section |
14:40 | Alessandro Volpone Gestalt psychology’s contribution to experimental epistemology: The key role of mimicry in nature |
15:00 | Ulf Haßler Empiric visual microintrospection |
15:20 | Carola Salvi Gestalt’s perspective on insight: A recap based on recent behavioral and neuroscientific evidence |
15:40 | Stefano Uccelli, & N. Bruno The effect of the Uznadze illusion on perception and action depends on factors that affect multisensory processing |
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:30 | Ivana Bianchi, R. Burro, I. Verstegen, E. Branchini, & M. Bertamini On the relationship between thinking in opposites and art appreciation |
16:50 | Erika Branchini, I. Bianchi, & R. Burro Training people to think in opposites facilitates the falsification process in Wason’s rule discovery task |
17:10 | Zsuzsanna Schnell, F. Ervas, & R. Járai Context awareness in meaning construction. An experimental study in pragmatic interpretation |
17:30 | Ines Langemeyer Field-theory applied to the experiences of martial arts |
Workshop: Communication between the senses: Language, space, music, intersensoriality, creativity (Chair: Walter Coppola)
14:30 | Savina Raynaud, & S. Cattaruzza Gestalt psychology and language, a historical overview |
15:00 | Fiorenza Toccafondi Intersensoriality and art |
15:30 | Sebastian Klotz Musical timbre, fusion, and Gestalt – three important auditory paradigms in early 20th century philosophy and psychology |
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:30 | Nicola Di Stefano Consonance and dissonance: A view from the Gestalt |
17:00 | Riccardo Wanke From sound patterns to mental images: The shape-paradigm of the perceptual experience of sound-based music |
Symposium: Mind, Reality … and Perception in the middle: The present role of Gestalt principles in understanding psychology and visual design. In memory of Prof. G.B. Vicario and his legacy (Chair: Rossana Actis-Grosso)
14:30 | Rossana Actis-Grosso “In Gestalt Psychology all scientists are writing the same big book”: Gestalt principles and their role in understanding the human mind |
15:00 | Steven Lehar (remotely) Harmonic Gestalt: Sound from structure, structure from sound |
15:30 | Daniele Zavagno Illusion defines reality, and vice versa |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | Marco Cremaschi Why do Gestalt principles influence web design? |
17:00 | Gerhard Stemberger Wertheimer on Gestalt laws of seeing and of mental health |
AperiPoster: poster session with a touch of zest
GTA Business Meeting (Aula Sironi)
20:00 Social Dinner
Friday, September 27
Elucidation Workshop (Chair: Rossana Actis-Grosso and Daniele Zavagno)
09:30-09:40 | Introduction by Rossana Actis Grosso and Daniele Zavagno |
09:40-10:10 | Michael Kubovy and Achille Varzi |
10:10 | Coffee break |
10:40-11:40 | Discussants: Interventions by W. Gerbino, M. Bertamini, I. Bianchi, N. Bruno, P. Legrenzi, & G. Stemberger |
11:40-12:00 | Open Discussion time |
12:00-12:20 | Reply by Michael Kubovy and Achille Varzi |
12:20 | Concluding remaks |
12:30-14:00 Lunch
The 32nd Kanizsa Lecture by Achille Varzi
On Owning a Border
Walk-in Art – Psychological Art Exploration of Anselm Kiefer’s “I Sette Palazzi Celesti” in Hangar Pirelli (Organized by Herbert Fitzek)
Art and Perception exhibition: Visual artworks by Alberto Argenton, Gaetano Kanizsa, Manfredo Massironi and music by Paolo Bozzi